Free Verses
I used to be kind, warm and gracious. Now I am indifferent, cold and rapacious. I used to be engaging, empathetic and forbearing. Now I am aloof, callous and demanding. I used to be generous, encouraging and equanimous. Now I am selfish, resentful and contemptuous. I used to be considerate, forthright and benevolent. Now I am confrontational, deceitful and belligerent. I used to be respected honored and esteemed. Now I am disfavored, disparaged and scorned. I used to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. I am AMERICA, pray for me. |
That moves this pen That thinks these words Written to be read By other ‘I’s Who think about these words And wonder Is there any meaning To one’s ‘I’?But meaning is futile. One can easily see Life has no meaning. One is born, One lives, One dies. In between One is educated, One is worked,c One is used, Then abused, and finally excused from Life. What meaning is there in that ‘I’?Life is a game of Hide ‘n Seek. Don’t waste precious time searching for meaning. Seek instead your Identity. Who are you? What are you? Is that identity true? Is that identity real? Find out. The clock is ticking. |
A bright moon climbs through gently layered clouds. The light enraptures my vision, Its alabaster sheen, the whiteness of an infant’s soul. Calming moments gather as darkness descends. The day has faded and with it the frenetic dance called living.Free at last, the heart withdraws, enjoined with the soul, in the sanctuary of its cave. The stillness of the night embracing, they prepare for that celestial journey beyond space, beyond time.O Great Orb! Thou art surely possessed by a god from Heaven. Your light infused with His nectar, spreading across the sleeping Earth. Renewing the Great Mother’s prana. His soma blankets all, In deep death-like sleep.Even the most virtuous mother will abandon the newborn at her breast once that blissful cloud of dreamlessness befalls her.For flora and fauna an invigorating rebirth. For Man, a calming stillness to end the succession of births. This the color of darkness This the silent night beholds. This the salient moon fortells. |
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